Zenyth Client Case Studies

Unveiling Success Stories: Journey Through Zenyth's Client Triumphs

Hassard Bonnington LLP logo
July 1, 2024
Hassard Bonnington LLP website homepage

Hassard Bonnington LLP Rebuild from WordPress to Webflow

Initially, we built the Hassard Bonnington LLP site on WordPress, using an accessible theme as the base and customizing it to achieve comprehensive accessibility. Over the years, the responsibility for maintaining the site was handed back to the client. However, as time passed, the theme developers ceased maintenance, and the plugins were not updated, leading to the website becoming compromised. We stepped in to assist the client in regaining access to their site. Unfortunately, due to the lack of support for the theme, the WordPress installation could no longer be updated for security and other backend requirements, necessitating a complete rebuild.

We worked closely with the client to transition their site to Webflow, leveraging our customized accessible template to ensure that future theme maintenance and updates would not pose any issues. This rebuild allowed us to address several key aspects and improvements:

  1. Rebuilt on Webflow: Transitioned the site from WordPress to Webflow, using a customized accessible template to ensure long-term stability and ease of updates.
  2. Enhanced Accessibility: Removed unintuitive and inaccessible functions, improving overall usability while maintaining conformance with accessibility standards.
  3. Modern Visual Styling: Updated the visual design to reflect a more modern aesthetic, enhancing the site's appeal and user experience.
  4. Content Collections: Created structured collections for the blog and profile sections, streamlining content management and presentation.
  5. Training and Handoff: Provided comprehensive training to the client's team on navigating and maintaining the Webflow site, ensuring smooth ongoing management.
  6. Security and Maintenance: Addressed previous security issues and ensured that theme maintenance and updates would not become an issue in the future.
  7. Improved User Experience: Focused on intuitive design and functionality, making the site more user-friendly and accessible for all visitors.

Design Consistency and WCAG 2.2 Conformance

The client wanted to retain the original design look and feel while ensuring conformance with WCAG 2.2 AA standards. Rebuilding from scratch in Webflow allowed our expert developer to ensure each component was fully accessible, considering mouse, touch, and keyboard users. Key enhancements included:

  • Ensuring correct name, role, and value attributes for all interactive elements.
  • Structuring content logically with proper reading and focus order.
  • Incorporating accessibility best practices throughout the site.

Design Enhancements for Consistency

We enhanced the design for consistency by standardizing heading font sizes and colors, and by using consistent naming conventions and CSS classes across all pages. Zenyth’s accessible template, components, and helper scripts facilitated a fast and efficient build process.

Additional Enhancements

  • Improved link purposes and linking elements like phone numbers and email addresses.
  • Added the Zenyth accessibility badge in the footer and a professional accessibility statement.
  • Enhanced accessibility of contact form with smooth error handling and status messaging.
  • Updated alt text to better represent brand and imagery.
  • Implemented custom CMS collections for Attorney Profiles while intuitively displaying bio content when present through conditional logic settings.

Efficient Project Completion

This project was completed efficiently and effectively, thanks to the client's collaboration and provision of all necessary assets and access to the old website upfront. Webflow now provides an easy way for the client to add newsletters and blog posts through a user-friendly interface. We also provided a detailed walkthrough document to help the client update their content while maintaining accessibility.

Overall, we are very pleased with the outcome of this project. It resulted in a robust, accessible, and aesthetically pleasing website that meets the client’s needs and ensures long-term stability and usability.

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