Navigating Accessibility Project Scope for E-commerce Websites

July 6, 2023


Welcome to the Zenythgroup blog, your go-to resource for all things related to web accessibility! As a leading accessibility vendor, we understand the importance of creating inclusive online experiences. In this article, we'll explore how to define the project scope for your e-commerce website, covering key areas such as website domains and subdomains, multimedia content and downloadable documents, third-party content, and legal requirements imposed by demand and settlement letters. Whether you're a new or existing customer, this informative guide will help you kickstart or enhance your accessibility initiative. So, let's dive in!

1. Website Domains and Subdomains:

Defining the project scope starts with identifying all the domains and subdomains associated with your e-commerce website. These could include your main website, blog, customer portals, and any other sections that are part of your online presence. Understanding the extent of your website's structure is crucial for a comprehensive accessibility implementation.

At Zenythgroup, we work closely with you to conduct a thorough evaluation of potential accessibility barriers across all domains and subdomains. This assessment serves as the foundation for developing a tailored accessibility strategy that ensures all areas of your e-commerce website are accessible to everyone.

2. Multimedia Content and Downloadable Documents:

E-commerce websites often incorporate multimedia elements, such as videos, audio files, and images, to enhance user engagement. Similarly, downloadable documents, such as product manuals or brochures, are commonly offered to customers. When defining your project scope, it's essential to consider the accessibility of these content types.

Zenythgroup's accessibility experts will assess the accessibility of your multimedia content and downloadable documents, providing guidance on techniques to make them accessible. Whether it's adding captions to videos, providing alternative text for images, or ensuring proper document structure, we'll help you make these essential elements accessible to all users.

3. Third-Party Content:

Many e-commerce websites rely on third-party content, such as plugins, widgets, and integrations, to enhance functionality and provide a seamless user experience. However, third-party components can sometimes introduce accessibility challenges. To ensure inclusivity, it's crucial to review and address the accessibility of all third-party elements integrated into your website.

Zenythgroup's experts will thoroughly analyze the accessibility of third-party content and provide recommendations for making them compliant. We understand the importance of maintaining a cohesive user experience while ensuring accessibility, and our solutions will help you achieve just that.

4. Legal Requirements Imposed by Demand Letters and Settlement Agreements:

The legal landscape surrounding website accessibility continues to evolve. Demand letters and settlement agreements, often initiated by accessibility advocacy groups or individuals with disabilities, are becoming more common. These legal instruments typically outline specific accessibility requirements and deadlines that businesses must adhere to.

When faced with a demand or settlement letter, it's crucial to take prompt action. Zenythgroup can guide you through this process by conducting an accessibility audit, addressing identified issues, and working with legal experts to develop an appropriate response. Our goal is to ensure your compliance with legal requirements while simultaneously improving accessibility for all users.


Defining the project scope for your e-commerce website's accessibility initiative is a crucial step towards creating an inclusive online environment. By considering website domains and subdomains, multimedia content and downloadable documents, third-party content, and legal requirements imposed by demand letters and settlement agreements, you can effectively address potential barriers and provide an accessible experience to all users.

At Zenythgroup, we understand the unique challenges faced by e-commerce businesses in achieving accessibility compliance. Our dedicated team of experts is committed to providing tailored accessibility solutions and guiding you through every step of the process. Together, we can create a digital environment that promotes equal access, strengthens customer loyalty, and fosters inclusivity.

Whether you’re just starting your accessibility journey or seeking to enhance your existing efforts, Zenythgroup is here to support you. Contact us today to begin your path towards a more accessible and inclusive e-commerce website. Remember, accessibility is not just a legal requirement; it's an opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of all your users.

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